Complete a short, online application to help us gather some basic information and get to know you better.
Select applicants are invited to interview with our administrative team on a rolling basis.
After evaluating interviews, decision letters are sent out and Supporter training begins.
Becoming a peer Supporter is easy
Our training process
Step 1
Complete online training that consists of a series of videos and articles. This training content includes topics such as vulnerability and self-care, mental health issues, empathy, and living a happy lifestyle.
Step 2
Complete in-person (or virtual) workshops. Here, Supporters learn conversation skills, engage in role play scenarios, and learn how to approach the various topics that may arise in conversation.
Step 3
After training, Supporters are tested via a timed assessment on their prowess in using the tools they’ve been equipped with to confidently engage in empathetic conversations.

What being a peer Supporter is like
Time commitment
Once onboarded, Supporters are assigned shifts based on their availabilities and time preferences. Normally, Supporters are actively taking conversations 1-2 days a week within a set time block. Multiple Supporters are usually active at the same time, so there’s generally always a friend to turn to for assistance when needed.
Internal events
Chapters strive to build a sense of community among Supporters that extends beyond just taking texts on our text line. This is achieved through monthly general body meetings (GBMs), Supporter bonding events, on-going training efforts, guest lectures from mental health professionals, and more!
External events
Chapters engage with their campus communities by hosting public mental health events throughout the semester. These events are designed with goals of reducing stigma, promoting awareness, and encouraging help-seeking. Supporters are encouraged to attend these events and help with any planning efforts that may arise.
Leadership opportunities
If interested in making a further impact, leadership opportunities are available on a frequent basis. Supporters are encouraged to apply to their chapter’s administrative team, become a shift lead, aid in event planning, and more! Lean On Me National also offers summer internship opportunities and further opportunities to get involved.